The following message was sent to Om by Dan just one week before Om’s passing:

From: Dan Tranter
Subject: How Meditation has improved my life and exceeded my expectations for the course
To: Om Johari

Hi Om,

I wanted to send this note as you were seeking feedback in yesterday’s session about how we have benefited or how our expectations were met by beginning your weekly sessions. I didn’t respond because the effect meditation has had on my life is so very profound but at the same time quite personal. I believe that my now regular meditation practice has completely changed my life for the better. Meditation has taught me to slow down and enjoy the moment. It has taught me to be aware of my thoughts and actions and optimize them to better serve those around me. It has made me a kinder, gentler person that strives to not react to emotions, to not judge people, and to not allow my ego to take the wheel.

Meditation has made me a better husband, a better father, and a better employee in my job. I use it in as many places as I can think of on a day to day basis. It has allowed me to relax in stressful situations. The cleanliness of “mind” has trickled down to my body where I have been eating healthy and exercising regularly. I have honestly never been happier and this is all down to you and your guidance. I am so happy that I joined your sessions and my gratitude for the work you do is overflowing.

Thank you!