I attended the visitation and service for Om yesterday. It was beautiful. For those who don’t know, he died from a cancer that they found out about last November or so. He didn’t want chemo treatments and then several days ago had surgery, went home and had a heart attack. Of course he was not afraid of dying and he told his son to go to sleep while he was dying. Doesn’t that sound just like him? The last thing he said to us at last week’s class was to look at your loved ones with deep gratitude that they are in your life. There are few people that have had such a deep effect as he did. He taught us how to destress ourselves. What a gift.

Om Johari was one of the few stable forces in my life for many years. He studied all of the great minds of the world and then imparted his best gleaned wisdom to us. I got the feeling that his constant studying and serving the community was also his way of living a full and satisfying life. Like in the bible, he taught us all to “fish” for ourselves, by gaining the ability to meditate and step outside of our stress and problems. We were truly blessed.